Friday, June 20, 2008



Dear Friend...

Welcome to the Inner Religion website. The IR has a message especially for you: "Life has meaning... death does not exist."

We are messengers of a new phenomenon called The Inner Religion -- a religion that springs not from belief, but from personal experience. The main guiding principle of the Inner Religion is -

“Treat others as Sacred - because, they are; and because, you are.”

We are in search of others who are looking for an alternative to the violence and dehumanizing materialism of today's decadent society; people who are also searching for their own true meaning. We are looking for people who would like to be Messengers of this liberating and joyful message.

With this message and this guiding principle as background, Messengers of the IR are forming and organizing communities around this new religion with others who feel a profound spiritual need within themselves.

The Inner Religion is concerned with the individual's search for Inner Truth, the Experience of the Sacred and the practice of Love and Compassion. It is a religion that is silent on the subject of God, but at the same time respects every individual's right to believe or not to believe in God. This new religion is not in any way in conflict with other religions or beliefs; on the contrary, it seeks to enhance the individual's relationship with his/her own religious belief.

This new religion is a religion born of experience -- from the cumulative experiences of people also in search of meaning and inner truth, people who desire to bring this truth to others, and to be part of this great internal experience that opens the future.

To give you an idea of what the Inner Religion is about, below is a brief chapter from the book, Silo's Message -- the book that inspired the establishment of the Inner Religion, in the first place.

• Here it tells how the non-meaning of life can be converted into meaning and fulfillment.

• Here are joy, love of the body, of nature, of humanity, and of the spirit.

• Here sacrifices, feelings of guilt, and threats from the beyond are rejected.

• Here the worldly is not opposed to the eternal.

• Here it tells of the inner revelation at which all arrive who carefully meditate in humble search.

Dear Friend... I had this wonderful experience and I want you to experience it, too! Come, experience Peace and Force -- come experience this great joy and find your Path. Come with me and experience the Sacred that is within you!

Peace, Force and Joy...

Godi Gutierrez


If you have this intuition of the sacred within you and around you, and would like to confirm it.

If you feel like you have been looking for this all your life, and would like to join an existing community or start your own weekly meditation with your friends, or would just like to know more, email me here.


What is The Inner Religion?


The truth of the Inner Religion is experienced as personal reality and not according to priests or cults, influences of idolatry and external religions.

The Inner Religion is joyful and profound. It loves the body, Nature, humanity and the spirit. It renounces sacrifices, guilty feelings and threats from the beyond.

The Inner Religion does not oppose the temporal to the eternal but understands them as processes of the same divine existence.

The Inner Religion is religion, science, and art.

Religion, because it connects us with the Profound and the Sacred.
Science, because it gives us understanding and proof from experience.
Art, because it allows us to create and develop ourselves.


• 7 Points of The Inner Religion


1 - We place the human as the central value and concern, in such a way that nothing is above the human being and no human being is above another.

2 - We are adherents of the principle of valid action, which states: Treat others as you want others to treat you". And therefore we condemn violence. We are against all wars. We are strong advocates of active non-violence. We repudiate the violence rooted in daily life in all regions of the world, not only the various forms of physical violence but all other forms of violence: economic, racial, sexual, religious, moral, and psychological.

3 - We give full respect to other religious institutions and all belief systems. All human beings should have full rights to believe, or not to believe, in immortality and the sacred. The IR gives the utmost importance to the themes of immortality and the sacred because, depending on how a person places him or herself with respect to these themes, so will be his or her orientation in life.

4 - We adhere to the principle of equality and non-discrimination (and in accordance with this principle, special considerations are given to women and the young; so much so that they are encourage to take leading roles in the organizational functioning of the Inner Religion).

5 - We recognize and give full respect to personal and cultural diversities, affirming the characteristics proper to each human group and condemning discrimination, whether motivated by economic, racial, ethnic, or cultural differences.

6 - We support the development of human knowledge to the maximum, and encourage every tendency to develop knowledge beyond the limitations imposed by prejudices accepted as absolute and immutable truths.

7 - We give importance to experience; especially, the experience of the Force and the sharing of that experience with others. The Sacred manifests itself from the depths of the human being. It is from this that the experience of the Force derives its importance; it is an extraordinary phenomenon that we can cause to erupt into the world of daily life. Without the experience of the Force everything is uncertain; with this experience we gain profound evidence. We don't need faith to recognize the Sacred. The Force is obtained in ceremonies such as that of The Work with the Force and the Transfer of the Force.

The main principle of the Inner Religion is -

"Treat others as Sacred - because, they are; because, you are."


• The Book, The Experience & The Path

If you want to know more about Silo's Message -- The Book, The Experience and The Path -- please, click here.

• The Path

If you believe that your life will end with death, what you think, feel, and do has no meaning.

Everything will end with incoherence and disintegration.

If you believe that your life does not end with death, you must bring into agreement what you think with what you feel and what you do. Everything must advance toward coherence, toward unity.
If you are indifferent to the pain and suffering of others, none of the help that you ask for will find justification.

If you are not indifferent to the pain and suffering of others, in order to help them you must bring your thoughts, feelings and actions into agreement.
Learn to treat others in the way that you want to be treated.

Learn to surpass pain and suffering in yourself, in those close to you, and in human society.

Learn to resist the violence that is within you and outside of you.

Learn to recognize the signs of the sacred within you and around you.

Do not let your life pass by without asking yourself, "Who am I?"

Do not let your life pass by without asking yourself, "Where am I going?"

Do not let a day pass by without giving an answer to yourself about who you are.

Do not let a day pass by without giving an answer to yourself about where you are going.

Do not let a great joy pass without thanking yourself internally.

Do not let a great sadness pass without calling into your interior for the joy that you put there.

Do not imagine that you are alone in your village, in your city, on the Earth, or among the infinite worlds.

Do not imagine that you are enchained to this time and this space.

Do not imagine that in your death loneliness will become eternal.

• Proposed Hall


Proposed Meditation Hall of the Inner Religion

Click image to enlarge.


• Historical Milestones

Historical milestones of the development of The Message, the historical antecedent of the Inner Religion, including the May 6th, 2006, May 7th, 2005, May 4th 2004, 1999 and 1969 events. Click on the dates to download text in your language, view photos or videos of the event.

May 6th, 2006
This speech was given on the Inauguration of Los Manantiales Park, near Santiago, Chile. The May 4th celebration was on this occasion named Day of Testimony.

May 7th, 2005
This speech was given during the Inauguration of the South American Hall. The event was celebrated simultaneously in the National Hall of Los Manantiales (Chile), the National Hall in Toledo (Spain), the Regional Hall in Mumbai (India) and in several cities in Italy, United States and many other points around the world.

May 4th, 2004
This speech was given on the occasion of the First Annual Celebration of the Community of the Message.

May 4th, 1999
This speech was given to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the '69 event. The monolith that today stands in Punta de Vacas was inaugurated then and bears the inscription "1969-1999".

May 4th, 1969
Known as The Healing of Suffering, this was Silo's first public address at the time when no public events were authorized under Argentina's Military dictatorship, and organizers were told to "go and speak to the stones".

• The Teachings of The Inner Religion

Love and Compassion
The human being–in his kindness–in the elimination of internal contradictions, in his/her conscious acts and in his/her sincere need of evolution gives birth to his/her spirit.

At the root of the great religions, love and compassion were always taught. If this is well understood and is carried forth in a conscious manner, it is enough for the evolution of the spirit. Love and compassion gives unity to the human being and it is those states which contribute to the transmission of the spirit from one to others. The whole human species evolves towards the spirit through love and compassion. One who works for oneself through love and compassion, in fact does it for humanity and for the evolution of all living beings. Compassion carries within itself personal sacrifice without internal contradiction.

Finally, it is not enough that acts are consciously realized if in them there is no love and compassion. The forming of the spirit is not possible in the enclosement of one's own consciousness, in the lack of participation of the spirit in a greater evolutionary process.

The Teachings of The Inner Religion
The Inner Religion is not based on fear of death or on apocalyptic threats. On the contrary, it teaches how to eliminate suffering and contradictions, how to evolve and how to develop the immortal spirit.

The Inner Religion teaches simply to know oneself and to change life in profundity. Members of The IR feel it is not courageous to refrain from declaring one’s own certainties, but at the same time feel it is unworthy of true solidarity to try to impose them.

The Inner Religion teaches equality of all human beings; it teaches physical, economical, racial and religious nonviolence; social, cultural and psychological liberation; it teaches the unity of the whole species in one common human nation.

Lastly, the Inner Religion teaches that the most important is love and compassion for all living creatures.

• The Inspiration

The Inner Religion is inspired by Silo's Message. The Message given by Silo was formalized in The Inner Look, The Ceremonies and The Path. Some books such as The Internal Landscape and The Human Landscape have helped the Message to be better understood.

The Message is an expression of the "Profound". It is an expression of the spirit within the human interior which is capable of transcending the times and spaces where our "I" lives. The Message is the means through which we can place ourselves in the presence of the Sacred.

The Experience
It is from within the profound depth of the human being that the Sacred manifests itself. That’s why the experience of the Force is so important since we can make this extraordinary phenomena erupt into our daily world. Without this experience everything is uncertain. With the experience of the Force we have profound evidence. We don’t need faith to recognize the Sacred. The Force is obtained in some ceremonies such as the Service and the Laying on of Hands. In the ceremonies of Well-being and Assistance the effects of the Force can also be perceived.

Making contact with the Force causes an acceleration of and an increase in the amount of psycho-physical energy, especially when coherent actions are carried out in daily life. These actions also produce internal unity and orient us towards spiritual birth. The Force can be exteriorized at a distance and its influence is greater when many people take part. The action of the Force becomes stronger between family members, friends and loved ones.

Inner Religiosity

The Message given by Silo is formalized in The Book (The Inner Look), The Experience (Ceremonies) and The Path (phrases for meditation). The Message can be better understood with the help of books like The Internal Landscape and The Human Landscape.

The Message is an expression of the "Profound." It is an expression of the interiority of the human spirit that is able to transcend the times and spaces in which our "I" moves. The Message is the means through which we can place ourselves in the presence of the Sacred.

The Experience
The Sacred manifests itself from the depths of the human being. It is from this that the experience of the Force derives its importance; it is an extraordinary phenomenon that we can cause to erupt into the world of daily life. Without the experience of the Force everything is uncertain; with this experience we gain profound evidence. We don’t need faith to recognize the Sacred. The Force is obtained in ceremonies such as that of the Service and the Laying on of Hands. The effects of the Force can also be perceived in the ceremonies of Well-being and Assistance.

Contact with the Force causes the psychophysical energy to accelerate and increase, especially when it is accompanied by coherent actions in daily life. These actions moreover produce internal unity and orient us towards spiritual birth. The Force can be exteriorized even at a distance and with greater influence when many people participate. The action of the Force is stronger between family members, friends and loved ones.

The Universe and Life
The birth of time and the direction of this universe arise from an evolutionary intention. Energy, matter, and life evolve towards increasingly complex forms. Life emerges when matter begins to move, nourish itself and reproduce. Living matter generates a field of energy which has traditionally been called the soul. The soul, or energetic double, acts both within and around the vital centers of animate beings.

Through cellular fusion produced in the act of reproduction, living beings pass the energy field along and configure a new, totally independent being. In order to feed themselves and continue functioning, living bodies require solid, liquid, gaseous, and radiant elements. Furthermore, in order to develop, the energetic double requires sensations of a different potential. With the dissolution of the body there occurs the separation and annihilation of the energetic double.

The constant evolution of our world has produced the human being–a being both transitional and evolving. Human beings by incorporating social experience–in contrast to other species–modify themselves with increasing rapidity. Finally human beings reach conditions that allow them to go beyond the rigorous dictates of nature, transforming themselves, inventing themselves–remaking themselves both physically and psychologically. Within the human being there can arise a new principle generated by the double. Since ancient times this new principle has been called spirit. The spirit is born when the double returns on itself, it is made conscious and forms a "center" of new energy.

The Human Spirit
Human beings have not completed their evolution. We are incomplete beings but in our development we have the possibility of forming an internal energetic center… whether this does or does not occur depends on the type of life that has been lived. Conscious and unitive actions permit the structuring of a centripetal system of forces that we call spirit. Through kindness, through the elimination of internal contradictions, through conscious acts and the genuine need to evolve, the human being can give birth to the spirit. Love and compassion are necessary for this evolution. Thanks to these, not only does internal cohesion become possible, but also that cohesion among beings which enables them to transmit the spirit to one another. The entire human species evolves toward love and compassion. Whoever works for themselves with love and compassion also does so for other beings.

The Practice of Inner Religiosity
If you live your life according to the declaration made in the ceremony of Recognition…
• If in appropriate moments you appeal to the inspiration of the Inner Guide…
• If on a weekly basis you participate in the ceremonies and the meditations on The Book, The Path and the related materials…
• If on a monthly basis you reflect about your internal growth in relation to life’s difficulties…
• Then, you are on the path to spiritual enlightenment.